Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Join with volley ball community

Para pembaca yang budiman. 
Ini adalah lanjutan dari posting saya, yaitu saya akan share tentang komunitas baru saya. Komunitas yang akan saya ikuti adalah komunitas bola voli. Yang sebelumnya saya belum pernah join dengan komunitas ini. Dan kali ini saya akan membagikan pengalaman baru saya. Yang pertama saya akan memperkenalkan nama dari komunitas ini yaitu DHICA FC atau DHICA Foot Ball Club. Yang kedua adalah komunitas ini berasal dari Kab. Blora Kec. Ngawen tepatnya di desa Sarimulyo. Dan yang ketiga, adalah latar belakang pemain dari klub ini mereka dari berbagai profesi di antaranya yaitu pelajar/mahasiswa, swasta, kepala rumah tangga. Dan yang terakhir adalah alas an mengapa saya ikut dalam klub ini, karena saya suka dengan permainan bola voli.  

Sekian dulu gambaran atas komunitas yang saya ikuti, lain kali saya akan sambung lagi dengan informasi yang lebih detail mengenai kegiatan yang di lakukan.

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Racism in education

The rise of the action of student brawls, a total of 339 cases during 2011 which resulted in deaths of up to 82 people, because of various prevention efforts have not been based on the completion of the root of the problem. It takes a thorough and ongoing efforts to resolve the fight.

Cases concern the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) gives an alarming picture. The case was not only jumped 260 percent over the same period in 2010, but also the quality and casualties who died from the fighting rose to 100 percent.

In my opinion, children affected by family and school environment. High and low frequency of fighting between adolescents depends on the quality of family and school.

"If parents disciplining their children emotional and upset the correct way to train, then the emotional expression of children will be more focused. Perhaps there are parents who teach their children, if struck by a friend at school, it did not retaliate when hit right. Supposedly, parents and teachers report to respect the laws of the school.

Global Youth Culture

Global youth culture is the transdisciplinary category by which theorists and policy analysts attempt to understand the emergence of the complex form of hybrid culture and identity  that increasingly occur amongst youth throughout the word due to the proliferation of media like film, television, popular music, the internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their every day lives.

For example, the effect of music for young peoples. For me, music is something that many multi-function effects on our lives. Sometimes the music inspires us in acting, music to picture ourselves according to the lyrics in the songs, and good to hear music with all the things that we like are contained therein. Song with the lyrics and the music sometimes affect the way we perceive. As social beings we ourselves would be constantly changing in accordance with our growth and development with age. Development and growth is largely influenced by the environment, and there is also the influence of music.

An now, especially in Indonesian country the people like korea music,style and korea film. The behaviour that we see or hear in every time is influenced in youth culture lives.

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

the habits of youth people to imitate the western culture

Habits of Westerners who have been entrenched can we see it almost every day through the electronic and print media which unfortunately the culture of Western people that are negative in nature and tend to undermine and violate the norms of the western, so watched and emulated by people we are mainly young people who want freedom like the West now. Western culture is culture-can we start from the clothing and fashion, music, film to the interaction with the opposite sex. 
Such as clothing and fashion model clothing 'U can See' adopted by Westerners imitated by the families of our youth, especially by women who take pride in their clothes so as not to cover her nakedness. In magazine issue recently read about the author of "Slipknot" concert in New York are decorated with screens painted blood red pentagram with a goat's head, known as the symbol of "Satanists". During the concert they often say swear words are dirty. If Western culture is replicated here, then we will assume teenagers will experience anomie in him as the next generation.

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

What is ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to see the world only through their own cultural perspective. Based on this definition is not always negative sebagimana ethnocentrism is generally understood. Ethnocentrism in certain cases also a positive thing. Unlike the general assumption that ethnocentrism is something that is merely bad, ethnocentrism is also something that is functional because it encourages the group in the struggle to find the power and wealth. At the time of conflict, ethnocentrism is really useful. With the existence of ethnocentrism, the groups involved in conflict with other groups will mutually support one another. One example of this phenomenon is when the expulsion of ethnic Madurese in Kalimantan, many Madurese elsewhere condemned the evictions and to help the refugees.

Ethnocentrism has two types of opposing each other. The first type is a flexible ethnocentrism. A person who has this ethnocentrism can learn ways of ethnocentrism and perceptions put them appropriately and react to a reality based on their cultural worldview and interpret the behavior of others based on their cultural background. The second type of ethnocentrism infleksibel. Ethnocentrism is characterized by an inability to get out of perspective can only be owned or understand something that is owned by the perspective and not able to understand the behavior of others based on their cultural background.

Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Different between Indonesian people with Australian people

Helo friands................
Kali ini my posting adalah tentang pengalaman saya kemarin, yaitu pada perkuiahan Cross – Cultual Understanding. Semua mahasiswa berjumpa dengan native speaker, dan kebetulan dia eoang wanita yang berasa dari Negara Australia. Dia biasa di panggil dengan nama panggilan yaitu Kirrilly, dia di Indonesia epatnya di Salata dan Kuliah di UKSW (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana) untuk belajar Bahasa Indonesia. 

Kita berbincang – bincang sekitar kurng lebih 2 jam, kita share tentang kebudayaan yaitu antara kebudayaan Indonesia dan kebudayaan Negara Australia. Saya mengambil kesimpuan bahwa di Australia tidak seperti di Negara Indonesia yang mempunyai banyak beragan aneka kebudayaan daerah. Seperti: tarian daerah, masakan daerah, lagu daerah, pakaian adat/daerah, dll. Bisa di bilang negara Australia tidak mempunyai kebudayaan yang khas.

Kemudian satu ha lagi yang berbeda dengan oang Indonesia. Banyak warga negara Indonesia yang bakat akting, dari yang menjadi Tarzan sampai cting yang harus menghabiskan air mata pun di lakukan oleh para aktor dan aktris Indonesia, apalagi kalau acting tentang kisah asmara khuusnya para remaja, pasti hampir semua stasiun televisi tayang tiap hari. Tetapi di Negara Australia warga di sana jarang atau tidak bisa akting.
Walau di australia tidak terkenal dengan duni akting, tetapi di tiap – iap negara pasti mempunyai ciri khas masing – masing. Seperti di negara Austraia, negara ini terkenal dengan negara Kanguru. Karena di negara ini banyak hewan kanguru yang hidup di sana. Bahkan hewan – hewan samai hidup berkeliaran di jalanan. Mungkin saking banyaknya kali yaaaa..........!!!!!!!!! Kemudian hewan lainnya seperti wambat dan cocobar ( seperti burung).

****Cukup sekian...........semoga dapat beranfaat buat kalian*****

Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

The effect of media television, especially for childs.

Hai hai hai………para pembaca yang setia. Kali ini saya akan share tentang efek dari media massa. Khususnya efek televisi bagi penonton. Nah, sekarang baca baik – baik yaaaa……Semoga apa yang saya share - kan ini dapat bermanfaat buat kalian.

Sekarang ini banyak yang di tanyangan oleh televisi beraneka ragam acara. Bagi orang dewasa, mungkin apa yang ditampilkan oleh televisi itu bukanlah sebuah masalah besar, sebab mereka sudah mampu memilih, memilah dan memahami apa yang ditayangkan di layar televisi. Namun bagaimana dengan anak-anak? Dengan segala kepolosan yang dimilikinya, belum tentu mereka mampu menginterpretasikan apa yang mereka saksikan di layar televisi dengan tepat dan benar. Masalah paling mendasar bukanlah jumlah jam yang dilewatkan si anak untuk menonton televisi, melainkan program-program yang ia tonton dan bagaimana para orang tua serta guru memanfaatkan program-program ini untuk sedapat mungkin membantu kegiatan belajar mereka.
Dari kutipan diatas, jelas bahwa yang harus diwaspadai oleh para guru dan orang tua adalah acara apa yang ditonton anak di televisi itu dan bukannya berapa lama anak menonton televisi. Padahal kecenderungan yang ada justru sebaliknya. Orang tua jarang benar-benar memperhatikan apa yang ditonton anak-anaknya dan lebih sering melarang anak-anak agar jangan menonton televisi terlalu lama karena bisa mengganggu jam belajar mereka. Disamping itu, apakah pernah pula terbersit dalam benak orang tua untuk ikut menonton tayangan-tayangan televisi yang diklaim sebagai tayangan untuk anak-anak? Pernahkan orang tua memperhatikan, apakah tayangan untuk anak itu memang sesuai dengan usianya? Padahal disinilah peran orangtua menjadi sangat penting artinya. Orang tualah yang menjadi guru, pembimbing, pendamping dan pendorong pertumbuhan anak yang paling utama.
Dari orangtualah anak pertama kali belajar tentang sesuatu kebenaran dan kemudian menanamkan kepercayaan atas kebenaran itu. Sudah menjadi tanggung jawab orang tua pula untuk selalu mendampingi anak-anak dalam menonton televisi, memberikan pengertian dan penjelasan atas apa yang tidak dimengerti oleh anak-anak. Memberikan penjelasan kenapa suatu tindak kekerasan bisa terjadi dan apa akibat dari semua itu. Orang tua juga harus jeli dalam melihat program-program acara televisi yang ditonton oleh anak. Apakah cocok dengan usianya, apakah bersifat mendidik atau justru malah merusak moral si anak. Mungkin sebagai orang tua, tidak akan kesulitan untuk langsung melarang seorang anak untuk menonton film-film dewasa yang mengandung unsur porno, karena dengan memandang sepintas lalu saja sudah jelas diketahui bahwa acara tersebut tidak cocok untuk anak. Tetapi pernahkah orangtua mengamati film-film kartun yang kelihatannya memang sudah layak menjadi konsumsi anak-anak? Pernahkah orang tua peduli bahwa berbagai tayangan film kartun Jepang yang mempertontonkan heroisme, seperti film seri Kenji, Dragon Ball dan sebagainya telah menyebabkan seorang anak menjadi seorang yang agresif? Demikian pula dengan tayangan film-film kartun yang penuh romantisme seperti Sailor Moon? Dan bagaimana pula dengan film-film yang lain?
Sebuah penelitian menyebutkan bahwa tingkat pornografi pada film kartun anak-anak itu cukup tinggi, dan diantara film-film kartun anak di Asia, film kartun produksi Jepang menempati posisi paling tinggi dalam penayangan unsur pornografi. Sebagai contoh, Film Seri Crayon Sinchan yang sekarang begitu di gemari di Indonesia, ternyata di Jepang sendiri film tersebut tidak diperuntukkan untuk konsumsi anak-anak melainkan untuk konsumsi orang dewasa yang ingin kembali ke masa kanak-kanak. Untuk itu, kesiapan orang tua untuk mendampingi di tengah kesibukan seabrek kegiatan mutlak diperlukan. 

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012


My opimion about Stereotype is an image or idea of a particular type of person or thing that has become fixed through being widely held. And in the other definition, Stereotypes are characteristics ascribed to groups of people involving gender, race, national origin and other factors. These characteristics tend to be oversimplifications of the groups involved, however. For example, someone who meets a few individuals from a particular country and finds them to be quiet and reserved may spread the word that all citizens from the country in question are quiet and reserved. A generalization such as this doesn’t allow for diversity within groups and may result in stigmatization and discrimination of groups if the stereotypes linked to them are largely negative.
And now I want to tell you about Madurese. Madura is one of the parts of East Java Province, Indonesia. The island is inhabited by an ethnic group which has special language
and culture, Madurese. Madurese people were well-known of being strong sailors, highly motivated and hard workers. All of Madurese characteristics are the reflection of the condition of its region;
rocky, stony, hot, drought, and infertile soil.
Madurese language and culture are the important factors to differentiate Madurese from other ethnics in East Java. In discussing the relationship between language and culture, most of us agree with the widely accepted view that language exist in culture and that culture values express themselves, among other things, by means of language. In broader perspective, it is said that Madurese culture is included in the culture of Jawa-Bali-Madura-Sunda. However, Madurese culture has its own form and uniqueness. It is because of its climate and the condition of its infertile soil.
Based on some literatures and informal information, there is a general stereotype that Madurese have hot character (panas membara) and easily exploded (meledak-ledak). These characters represent the reflection of the region of Madura Island which is drought, infertile, and hot.Instead of having rather negative characters, Madurese were known to be humorous, diligent, honest, frankly, and interesting. Madurese can be a very good friend if we understand him, but if somebody has betrayed him, it can be very dangerous. There are still another terms which relate to Madurese, such as Soto Madura, Sate Madura, Karapan Sapi and etc.

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

My experience when I visited in Blora city

Art of Barong in Blora

Art of Barong In Blora City
            Art of Barong or more known as the art of Barongan that typical of central java. However, from several region in central java, just in Blora city this art more popular when compare with the other districts. Barong performances are usually done by the community for celebration event.
            Barong art in my view and from the stories by Blora peoples, this art has something mystic. When I see the barong art, the game of barong art very dangerous. Because at the time when the game was started and the player of Barong perform, they felt unable to control themselves. As I have ever seen, the players of Barong eating the dangerous object. For example, broken glass, wood or object that can not be eating by humans in general. Although Barong very dangerous game, but the player of Barong as well as the people of Blora really like this game and they still preserve the art of Barong.